Just 5 more weeks till the end of the circuit breaker (hopefully)! Now that we are getting a hang of our workdays and weekends, how about setting yourself some simple challenges to fill those hours and come out of the circuit breaker fitter and healthier?
Here are 3 challenges that you can take on and commit to for a short period of 5 weeks. Complete them for a healthier you come 1st June, and set the momentum right for your personal goals afterwards.
Challenge #1: 20 Push Ups in 60 seconds
When it comes to exercises, nothing is more effective at giving the upper body a good workout without any equipment than the humble push up. Done right, it tones the chest, back of arms, shoulders and abdominals.
Test yourself daily to see how many repetitions you can do in your first 60 seconds. Take a break and repeat for 2 more sets to help your body adapt towards the goal.
Too easy? Increase the number of push ups. Too Difficult? Reduce the number or do the push ups with your knees on the floor.
Check out this video on how to do a proper push up, and its variations.
As with all exercises, remember to schedule rest days for yourself. Scheduling rest days (we recommend Wednesdays and Saturdays) ahead will also help you keep consistency of your workouts.
Challenge #2: Drink at least 2 litres (or 8 glasses) of water a day
Everyone knows that water is essential, and yet not all of us are drinking enough. A lack of it can have a negative impact on your appearance, mood, and energy levels.
Depending on your activities, weather, gender, and state of health, you could be requiring anywhere between 2 to 4 litres of water per day.
If you haven’t been tracking, you are probably not drinking enough. There are plenty of apps that will provide a guide on how much to drink and reminders to drink up. One such app is Plant Nanny, which free and absolutely cute!
Or if you want to go old school, fill up the largest bottle you can find around the house, and refill it once it is empty. So if you are reusing that 1L milk jug, make sure you finish the jug twice to hit the 2 litres, or 8 glasses a day target.
It also helps greatly when the bottle is always within easy reach and prominently placed so that you get a constant visual reminder to drink up.
Challenge #3: Limit desserts and sugary drinks to less than twice per week
With most of us working from home and exercise options restricted, many are already worrying about the weight gain at the end of this period. One of the best tactics you can employ to help reverse this tide is to cut down on your intake of added refine sugar.
Avoiding added refine sugar is almost impossible if you are consuming processed food or take-aways, but it is easy to track the servings of desserts or sugary drinks you are having per week. Every time you consume a slice of cake, a can of soda, or a bar of chocolate, make a mark on your calendar so that you know you have used up one allotment of desserts allowed.
Not only will your waistline be kept in control, you will also notice that your skin looks clearer, and experience sustained energy levels instead of the dreaded sugar crash!
A quick tip on achieving the challenge
If you find that the goals you have set for yourself are too difficult, remember that it takes time and consistency. If you can’t do 20 push ups right away, set it as 10 in the first week, and if you do it daily, by the second week, you might have enough strength to crank out 12.
Likewise for water intake, you might have only been able to hit your target intake 2 days out of 7 in the first week, that’s okay. The next week, aim to hit the target of 3 days out of 7. With consistent practice and mindfulness of the goals, you will achieve progress over time!