through with clear skin

Let us help.
Taking care of your skin and hair can be fuss-free
Being confident in your own skin is much easier when you’re not suffering from acne outbreaks or hair loss. It can be frustrating if you’re experiencing an eczema flare-up, an allergic reaction or a stubborn patch of pimples that refuse to clear up. Our doctors can prescribe medication to help you alleviate these problems.
Speak to a doctor anytime to help you with your skin health needs.

Common skin problems that women in Singapore face are:
Dr. Michelle Phua, MBBS
Resident Doctor, Female Health, Doctor Anywhere

Why does Acne occur?
Acne occurs when pores in your skin get clogged with oil, dead skin cells, dirt and bacteria. Although we may associate bad acne breakouts and pimples with teenagers, acne can happen to us, regardless of age.

- There are various types of acne, depending on the severity of your acne outbreak
- Acne and pimples can be treated with medication, prescribed by a GP
What causes a flare up of Eczema or Rashes?
The trigger for an eczema flare-up or rashes can be different for everyone. It could be a certain type of fabric, dust, pet dander, the weather, or even stress faced during the day.

Can allergies be cured?
Your immune system produces antibodies to protect your body when you encounter a foreign substance. An allergic reaction is when your immune system reacts to something that it has incorrectly identified as harmful, such as food types or pet fur.

Unfortunately, you can’t cure allergies but you can control the symptoms! Doctors can prescribe medication that helps to relieve some of the common symptoms.
When should I worry about hair loss?
Hair loss is a natural part of aging, due to the changes in hormones particularly during childbirth or menopause. However, hair loss can also be caused by nutritional deficiency, stress, and other unhealthy lifestyle habits.
See a doctor if you notice:
- Sudden and excessive hair loss
- Appearance of patchy or bald spots on your scalp
Hair loss in women may also point to an underlying health condition.

Skip the trip to the dermatologist, see a doctor at home
Frequently Asked Questions for
Skin Care
Can I choose a female doctor?
Yes! You can select the doctor you want to see on the app. When you are booking your consultation, you can scroll through the doctors available for teleconsultation and make an appointment directly with them.
Is the call really private?
Your privacy is of utmost importance to us. Whatever you share will be kept confidential between you and your doctor.
What medications do you have?
We have various types of medications, depending on the health condition you’re facing. The doctor will assess your suitability and health status during the call and determine the best medication to prescribe you.
Will I be able to claim this under my insurance plan?
Most major insurance companies cover doctor’s consultation over video-call. It’s best to check your insurance plan to be sure that the consultation and medication dispensed can be claimed under your coverage.