Since the start of the pandemic, we’ve spent a lot of time at home. Some of us may already have finished binge-watching all the Netflix shows we’d cued up. Luckily, there are still plenty of other fun activities we can do at home. Make the most out of this uninterrupted period at home. Here are 5 things you can do while we’re staying at home to stay healthy!
Things to Do At Home to keep fit
Learn a New Skill
How many of us scroll through social media and feel envious of our friends who seem so much knowledgeable and talented than us? Now’s the time to do something about it. Why not take this time at home to start learning a new skill you’ve always wanted to master? It could be something as simple as to learning a new recipe to something more ambitious like picking up a new language.
There’s plenty of online courses and resources that you can discover on the Internet. For example, Udemy or Skill Share have a range of interesting classes on a variety of topics that may intrigue you.
See The World
Although we can’t travel, museums have very kindly uploaded many of their exhibitions online. From The Louvre to the Metropolitan Museum of Art, there are various galleries you can view online. Even past National Heritage Board exhibitions are available to view!
For those who aren’t art-inclined, there are all sorts of interesting live streams you can find online as well, that offer experiences we may not get, even if we do get to travel. There’s no reason why being stuck at home means we can’t still broaden our perspectives and see the world outside our sunny island.
Declutter Your Home
We admit, this doesn’t sound as fun, but it’s a great way to pass time and more importantly, our future self will definitely thank you for this.
You can start small with your work space. Since we’ve been Working From Home for almost a year, there’s bound to be plenty of clutter and trash where you’re working. Spend an afternoon to tidy up the area and discard any unnecessary objects on your table.
If you have more time on your hands, you can try our three-day declutter challenge. Let’s Marie Kondo our way into inner peace for the rest of the year.
Work Up a Sweat
Although the gyms are closed, it’s no excuse to forgo our fitness goals for the year. There are plenty of ways that we can still work up a good sweat, even at home. Make your own home gym with some of our suggestions, or do body-weight exercises that don’t depend on any gym equipment.
There are many home workout routines that you can find online. To start you off, why not try this workout:
- 25 Jumping Jacks
- 15 Squats
- 10 Lunges (each leg)
- 10 Push-ups
- 15 Crunches
- 30 sec Plank
- Repeat for three sets
Even better, convince a housemate to work out with you, so that you can encourage each other to keep going and try fun partner exercises!
Make Time For Yourself
Even while working from home, we may find that we’re still incredibly busy and bogged down with a million tasks to do. It’s important that we take a step back and find some time for ourselves. Whether it’s curling up with a good book or making a nice cup of tea, block off at least 30 minutes every day, where you can unplug and have uninterrupted “Me Time”.
Another good habit to adopt during this period is also to start practising mindfulness. With all the stressors from the uncertain situation we’re currently in, our mental health may need more support than we realise. Mindfulness helps us to gain a better understanding of our emotions, so that we can thrive, no matter what comes our way.
Want more ideas on how you can stay healthy while staying at home? Check out our Stay Home Health Challenge, for a fun way to keep fit even while we continue to social distance.
Don’t worry about having to leave your house to see a doctor. Our doctors are available 24/7 on video-call, via the Doctor Anywhere app.