Our domestic helper is an invaluable extra pair of hands at home to relieve some of the household duties, and allow us more time for rest and relaxation with the family. Part of our responsibilities as employers is to ensure that our helper gets regular health screening as mandated by the Singapore Ministry of Manpower. In this article, we’ll guide you through the types of screenings you need to send your helper for at various stages of her employment.
Read on for some useful information on these screenings, so you can book them with ease.
1. The pre-employment health screening
This screening should be done at least 2 weeks before your helper begins working for you. Your helper needs to pass this exam to receive the work permit, otherwise, she will have to be sent home. This exam tests for 4 types of infectious disease – tuberculosis, HIV, syphilis, malaria – as well as whether your helper is physically and mentally fit to work.
2. The 6-monthly medical exam (6ME)
You should send your helper for the 6ME every six months during her employment. This exam screens for pregnancy and infectious diseases such as syphilis. After the first 2 years, your helper will have to do a 6ME that includes a tuberculosis test (chest X-ray), and she will need to get checked for HIV every 2 years.
3. Look out for MOM’s letter
MOM will send you a notification letter through post when your helper is due for her health screening. Do keep a look out for this letter as you’ll need to send your helper for the exam before her due date. Please only book your helper’s medical exam only if you’ve received MOM’s notification letter.
For more information on home-based health screenings and how you can book yours, visit MOM’s website page here. MOM also sends out emailers and other information leaflets through post which contain useful content on screenings for your helper.
Doctor Anywhere provides a range of in-clinic screenings which includes the MOM-approved 6-monthly medical exam for your helper. We will help to submit your helper’s results (if required) directly to Ministry of Manpower (MOM). A soft-copy of your results will be sent to your registered email, with the physical copy stored securely at the clinic.
If your helper is due for her health screening, you can contact any of our DA clinics directly to book an appointment. Remember to buffer at least 10 working days from booking your appointment.