Troubled by acne? You might be worsening it unknowingly with some of these treatment myths. Find out what you’re doing wrong, and what you should do to treat acne instead.
Myths about Skincare
Myth #1: Acne will go away on its own without treatment
Unfortunately, acne may not disappear on its own. Acne can be a chronic condition which can last, or even worsen, over a few years to even decades. As such, it’s important to look at proper treatment options, such as lifestyle changes or medication, to help control your acne.
Myth #2: Popping pimples help resolve acne faster
You may be tempted to replicate what your beautician might have done for you during one of the facial sessions, but popping pimples on your own in an unsterile environment can actually worsen your acne. When a pimple is popped and is not properly cleaned, bacteria are released within the skin which can cause additional breakouts. There is also the risk of causing scars as popping a pimple disrupts the skin’s normal healing process.
Myth #3: Use toothpaste to dry up acne
While toothpaste may dry up an existing pimple, toothpaste also contains many other ingredients which may be harsh for the skin or clog your pores and worsen the acne.
Myth #4: Wash or exfoliate face often to remove oil
As a general rule, it is important to keep your face free of excess oil which may cause a skin pore to be clogged, leading to acne. However, washing or exfoliating your face too often can dry out and irritate your skin, resulting in more acne. It is advisable to wash your face only twice a day with a gentle cleanser. If you’re in the market for a good cleanser, check out our in-app wellness Marketplace, which stocks a variety of skin cleansers, perfect for different skin types.
Myth #5: Getting a tan can hide acne
This myth might have developed as pimples might not look so obvious on tanned skin. However, getting a tan does nothing to heal acne. In fact, if you expose yourself unnecessarily to the Sun for long periods, you can be putting your skin at risk of premature ageing and skin cancer. Ironically, this may even darken existing acne scars.
Effective Treatment for Acne & Pimpes
Topical Treatments
Topical treatments involve the use of ointments and creams that are applied directly to your skin. Products containing benzoyl peroxide works by killing the bacteria underneath the skin. It is particularly effective for inflammatory acne, characterized by red bumps that contain pus. Benzoyl Peroxide can be found in products such as creams, lotions, face washes with varying concentrations and should be used according to product recommendations.
Another topical treatment is Differin. Like benzoyl peroxide, it is useful in the treatment of acne but only has to be applied once a day. Differin works by affecting the growth of skin cells and thereby reduce the formation of pimples.
Oral Medications
Doctors may prescribe oral antibiotics if topical treatments are not improving the condition. An oral antibiotic such as tetracycline helps to fight the bacteria infection inside out. For severe acne, oral Isotretinoin is an effective treatment option. However, due to the potential side effects and allergies to the ingredients, it can only be prescribed by a doctor.