No one wants to fall ill when they’re travelling — but it’s always good to be prepared in case of emergencies. A solid travel medical kit can help prevent your symptoms from getting worse and can also save you the hassle of figuring out how to get medical attention in a foreign country.
Here are a few must-haves you should have whenever you’re travelling.
1. Painkillers
Painkillers, such as paracetamol, can provide effective relief for mild to moderate pain caused by headaches, migraines and even menstrual cramps. Of course, if the pain increases in intensity or persists over a longer period of time, you may want to consider seeing a doctor for a better assessment and treatment of your condition.
2. Cold & Flu Medication
The flu is a contagious virus that spreads when an infected person coughs, sneezes or speaks. As such, it’s good to add some medication that can help you to manage any flu symptoms, if you’ve caught the bug. This includes paracetamol for a fever or (honey-lemon) lozenges for dry throats.
If you have the time, one of the best ways to protect yourself against the flu — whether you’re travelling or in Singapore — is to get your annual flu vaccination. The vaccination takes about 2 weeks to take effect, so you’ll have to buffer some time before your trip for the vaccination appointment.
3. Antihistamines
If you suffer from allergies, antihistamines are useful for keeping your symptoms controlled, especially if you’re going to be exposed to exotic plants and animals. Antihistamines help to prevent allergic rhinitis and other allergies which can cause symptoms blocked nose, sneezing or skin rash.
4. Motion Sickness Meds
If you tend to feel nauseous on a plane, boat or long road trips, be sure to bring some motion sickness pills along with you. This can help to prevent dizziness, nausea, vomiting and fatigue, so that you feel more comfortable when you’re heading to your next destination.
5. Diarrhoea Meds
Traveller’s diarrhoea is probably one of the most common illnesses when you’re on holiday, particularly when you’re excited to try new foods and drinks. There are medications that can treat diarrhoea and help prevent frequent (and unpleasant) trips to the bathroom, as well as help to improve your gut health.
6. Wound Care
Apart from falling ill, cuts and scrapes are potential ways you may get hurt when you’re on holiday.
Your wound care kit should include items such as antiseptic solutions, plasters, bandages and other kinds of wound dressings, as well as bandage tape and alcohol wipes. You’ll never know when you’ll get into little accidents along the way, especially if your holiday involves sport or adventure activities.
With these basics covered, you should be ready for most emergencies when you’re oveseas. Put together your travel medical kit with the range of OTC medication on DA Marketplace (plus free delivery to your home). If you’ve additional questions about travel health, speak to a doctor anytime on the DA app.
Happy travelling!